Brown trout (Salmo trutta fario)

» System
Class of the Actinopterygian order of Salmoniformes family of salmonids under-family the Salmonine Salmo trutta fario (Linnaeus, 1758)
» Aspect
The different varieties of trout have in common a hydrodynamic shape, their body is fusiform and slender but dresses are very variable. The skin is covered with small smooth Cycloid scales. The brown trout has a caudal peduncle thick. Trout River has a big head and wide mouth which exceeds the levelness of the posterior edge of the eye and which is lined with sharp teeth.
The caudal fin has a posterior margin very few incredible (almost straight) and the dorsal fin is reduced. Brown trout can be easily recognised thanks to the adipose fin - small fin between the dorsal fin and the caudal fin - characteristic of the family Salmonidae.
» Size
On average the size of trout is 25-40 cm, for an average weight of 300 to 500 g, but it is possible to meet individuals from 1 m in length with a maximum range of 10 to 15 kg. Migratory forms may reach 1,40 m for a weight of 50 kg.
» Colors
The colouring is usually highly variable, yellow, Brown, anthracite grey or light grey. Big black spots are still present on the flanks and opercula, the presence of red dots is very common but sometimes they are missing. The belly is white and does not task. The dress and the puncture tasks are more or less stained according to sex, age and habitat of the individual.
» Food
Trout is exclusively carnivorous, they eat worms, molluscs, larvae of insects as well as adult insects. It actively hunts small fish such as minnows, Loaches and sculpins.
» Reproduction
The reproduction of the species occurs from October to January to the present spawning grounds upstream of the river or its tributaries. The eggs are deposited in the gravel where they remain between 2 and 4 months depending on the temperature of the water. A 500 g trout can lay between 1000 and 2000 eggs.
» Habitat
Trout live in vivid, fresh and well oxygenated waters. They prefer the rivers and streams but can live in lowland streams and Lakes if the summer water temperature does not exceed 18 ° C or exceptionally 20 ° C. As soon as there is food, trout are present. It have a short life: 4 to 6 years.
» Implantation
It is found throughout Europe.
» Techniques
At the beginning of season, trout bite very well to the toc: drift a worm into the mainstream is an admirable technique of simplicity and efficiency. Manié Minnow is also a technique of very opening. Later in the season, light casting gives very good results. A very discreet approach and impeccable presentation are the keys to success.